
How to travel raw and still eat well

Meal on the go for how to travel raw

This morning when I was packing my bag for the day, I knew I had to take enough raw goodies for not only the whole day but for the evening too.

Here are some ideas for you to travel raw easily

On the left I’ve got some raw crackers that I made the other day. If you don’t make crackers yourself, you can buy your own here.

Then in the middle I’ve got a packet of delicious small tomatoes for dipping in just about anything, an avocado and a small bag of apple cookies that I made.

To the right is a dipping sauce to use with my spring rolls in the container at the top.

And at the top of the photo is a small jar of concentrated chocolate almond milk so that I can add some hot water for an instant hot chocolate!

I also brought a big thermos of raw soup and some nuts.

Custard on the go to travel raw
And I almost forgot – I had some extra almond milk so I made some Mango Vanilla Custard and put it in a big jar.

Needless to say, I had plenty of food, and it was absolutely delicious!


Other things that you can take with you easily

Nori rolls for sure, as anything tastes good in nori! I like to chop up whatever veggies I’ve got on hand and spread some leftover dip, dressing or sauce over the nori, add in my veggies, roll up the nori and I’m all sorted!

Veggie wraps of all kinds work well, and of course jars of dip.

Grapes, cherry tomatoes, and veggie sticks are all great, as long as you’ve got some nice sauce (at least that’s my take on it!)

I actually love to travel raw – I get to take all my favorite stuff with me!

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