How do you eat raw on the go?
I’m in London at the moment chaperoning my son who is in a London musical. As the show runs 6 days a week for a month, I’ll be on the go quite a lot!
This means I get to be backstage for hours at a time, with no raw food kitchen in sight of course!
So I thought I’d do a mini-series of what I’m bringing with me to some of his performances, to give you some helpful ideas of how you can eat raw on the go.
Today’s lunch/dinner
- One of my purple smoothies
- Some nuts
- Some Buckwheat Oatmeal cookies I made the other day
- A big container full of spring rolls that I made last night
- Some dipping sauce
Technically the spring rolls aren’t 100% raw because of the rice paper, but as I was out of nori sheets, I thought I’d make those instead. They are very light and absolutely delicious, and are great as an alternative to sushi.
I stuffed the rice paper with some mixed veggies which I chopped last night by tossing into my food processor. It only took 5 minutes of course!
Plus some bananas and blueberries which I’ll be making into a pudding later with the help of a fork and a plate.
Super simple!
Have you got a favorite travel food? Let me know in the comments!