
Raw on the go!

Picture of meal for raw on the go

How do you eat raw on the go?

I’m in London at the moment chaperoning my son who is in a London musical. As the show runs 6 days a week for a month, I’ll be on the go quite a lot!

This means I get to be backstage for hours at a time, with no raw food kitchen in sight of course!

So I thought I’d do a mini-series of what I’m bringing with me to some of his performances, to give you some helpful ideas of how you can eat raw on the go.

Today’s lunch/dinner

  • One of my purple smoothies
  • Some nuts
  • Some Buckwheat Oatmeal cookies I made the other day
  • A big container full of spring rolls that I made last night
  • Some dipping sauce

Technically the spring rolls aren’t 100% raw because of the rice paper, but as I was out of nori sheets, I thought I’d make those instead. They are very light and absolutely delicious, and are great as an alternative to sushi.

I stuffed the rice paper with some mixed veggies which I chopped last night by tossing into my food processor. It only took 5 minutes of course!

Plus some bananas and blueberries which I’ll be making into a pudding later with the help of a fork and a plate.

Super simple!

Have you got a favorite travel food? Let me know in the comments!

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