
Sugar substitutes to rock your world without rotting your teeth

ingredients in sugar substitutes

Sugar substitutes don’t necessarily mean a risk of cancer and a horrible aftertaste. Here are some amazing ones that will enable you to leave sugar behind forever…because they actually taste better!

xylitol in sugar substitutes


It took me a while to try this sweetener because it looks exactly like white sugar which actually put me off!

However it’s actually a very good sweetener. Xylitol is much less sweet than sugar, and occurs naturally in plums, berries, mushrooms…and in us! (how’s that for odd!)

The xylitol you can buy is typically derived from sources such as corn cobs/stalks or birch trees.

It’s important to check the source, though: you want xylitol from birch trees where possible, because all corn is said to be genetically modified.

Xylitol has a low glycemic index of 7 and therefore has minimal effects on blood sugar.

How you use it

Xylitol is great for coating homemade churros, or any other recipe that requires a sprinkling of something that looks like ‘white sugar’. (You can fool a lot of people with xylitol – I’ve done it, so I know!)

stevia in sugar substitutes


Stevia is a plant that grows in South America and apparently has been used in Paraguay for centuries and in Japan for decades. You can get it in the US as a nutritional supplement in health food stores.

Stevia is appealing to many people who already use artificial sweeteners (cringe), because you can get it in handy drops or even tablets to put in your bag.

I have friends who like stevia, but personally I don’t use it because I find it has an aftertaste that reminds me of aspartame (yes unfortunately I used to use diet drinks before I knew better!)

Apparently you can avoid the aftertaste if you use the whole leaves – but don’t just start chewing on a leaf because it is very sweet!

How you use it

Stevia is best when blended or stirred into recipes. And be aware that it is 100 times sweeter than sugar, so you only need a very small amount!

maple syrup in sugar substitutes

Maple syrup

Maple syrup has been described as ‘nature’s anti-freeze’ because that’s how maple trees use it to protect their roots in the winter!

Just be sure when you buy it to check that the label says ‘pure maple syrup’. There are some companies out there selling ‘maple syrup’ that is mostly sugar syrup with a percentage of maple thrown in, but you want and deserve the real deal! Don’t let them sell you flavored corn syrup, which is anything but healthy!

I love maple syrup, even though it has been heat-treated – so technically it is not a raw food. Yes it is high in sugar, but it has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar and it does contain some minerals and anti-oxidants.

Personally I have found it doesn’t spike my blood sugar like other sugars do. It’s very sweet, and it tastes so fantastic that I use small amounts quite happily in many recipes.

How you use it

You can blend maple syrup into puddings, or just drizzle it over things like raw granola or ‘pancakes’.

dates in sugar substitutes


Dates are the raw foodist’s ‘dream sweetener’ – they add a creamy texture to blended drinks and puddings, they are natural and they taste great!

Dates bring you B-vitamins (chiefly B6) without raising your blood sugar to the extent of other sweeteners. Plus they’re rich in minerals, such as iron, potassium, copper, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc!

How you use dates

You can eat them as they are, stuff them with nut butter, or blend them into recipes. I find it’s best to soak them before blending or processing – and of course remove the pit first.

You can use other dried fruits like prunes, apricots or raisins, but dates are the best if you want that smooth creamy texture that adds a sweet taste without an overpowering taste of fruit.

A final word

I love my sweet foods – though I must say that if you have insulin issues, please consult with your health practitioner before exploring these sugar substitutes. I want you to have your gorgeous treats and to feel fantastic!

And no matter which sweetener you use, I would say that you don’t want to eat too much sugar, no matter where it comes from. Just use sparingly, and enjoy the benefits of rockin’ raw recipes, and a satisfied sweet-tooth.

Let me know how you get on!

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